A session Integrated Psychotherapy starts in the here and now. The session could start with a bodily sensation or an emotion.
.. with a movement of your arm for instance, which you didn’t notice at first. By exploring it, you get a new entrance to what’s going on in you ..
In the intake we’ll explore your question. Together we’ll find out what’s the most important reason that you’re here and what you’d want the sessions to use for.
Al je energie – van verdriet, woede, speelsheid – is welkom in de sessie. Dat kan voor een levendigheid zorgen. Maar vaak zit die energie juist vast en kan je er niet zo makkelijk bij. We doen daarom verschillende werkvormen:
Bio-energetica, Bodydrama en Ademwerk. Elementen van meditatie gebruiken we om je te richten op de emoties en sensaties in je lichaam.
To turn your feeling into words may bring relief: What aches so much and what is your way of dealing with it? Where does it originate?
Your power and liveliness are being payed as much attention to as the hard stuff; they are the ground for change.
We use a new insight as an invitation to set a new direction. To use your perseverance in a way that serves you more, for instance.
In the contact between you and me you may explore about your patterns of relating and you’re allowed to practive new ways of doing. I support you doing that. In themes like:
getting more at ease in social situations
exploring what supports you and asking for what you want
learning to have yourself supported by people around you
giving space to your personal qualities
dealing with making mistakes
Engaging your body, you’ll experience and learn in a more grounded way. More liveliness and more relaxation are always part of the result. The rhytm of doing, feeling and reflecting on what’s going on brought me to the name of my practice: body and talk.
Together it's easier to feel what hurts. Integrated Psychotherapy offers space for feeling. You may discover that's less threatening then you expected. Maybe, you'll recover your strenghts on the spot you've been avoiding the most of all..